Thursday, July 06, 2006

July 4th Weekend in Boston!

Went on a "Turnaround Cruise" to watch the USS Constitution turn around, so it gets even wear and tear when it sits in Charlestown Navy Yard all year round. This year they're turning it around a lot! C. will be on the actual ship in a couple weeks to see it turnaround again. It's pretty cool to be in Boston Harbor on July 4th- very packed with boats- we also saw cargo ships and the Queen Mary 2 and, I saw the ICA museum from the water.
So this is what we went to see:

And this is C. with the hah, "COWstitution" which we accidentally ran into along the way back to the T:

This is a photo of the Institute of Contemporary Art under construction to be completed in Sept:

And because I was so ridiculously tired from being out in the heat and water, I stayed in for the fireworks and saw this from my 4th floor window in Cambridge, lucky me:

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