Wednesday, March 02, 2011

How to Select a Veggie CSA for the summer growing season

Buying a CSA allows your farmer to start planting for you!

So you've been hearing all of the Blah blah blah blah blah about trying to eat locally and supporting your local farmer?
If the price is right and the service is convenient enough, you can do it too. Here are some things to think about:
1. Amount of food you'll get vs. how much cooking you will actually do. If their growing season is terrific, you could get totally overwhelmed and might need to find someone to share 12 ears of corn with.
2. Whether you care if food is grown organically or isn't certified but uses integrated pest mgnmt. (you'll get less stuff each week for same money if it's certified organic.)
3. Of course, how much it'll cost. Total for whole season and equivalent value per week.
4. If pickup time and sites are within reasonable proximity to house or work...
5. Whether the veggies you get will be familiar to you, like its easy to figure out how to cook the summer squash and white corn, but are you willing to figure out how to cook amaranth greens?

From that list, I prefer to join a CSA because I want to save money, (I cut my grocery shopping bill by 2/3rds last summer and fall by buying a CSA season up front. ) I prefer to eat food that actually tastes like it should because it's in season, and, I am open to trying new vegetables that I wouldn't buy normally. I also bought a CSA is that they are providing a service for me, the eater, and sparing me the annoyance of buying non tasty food at a grocery store. Or spending $50 at a farmers market because I lost my mind!

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