Friday, August 11, 2006

Starting a new Job

I'm starting a new job in the corporate sector on Monday, and now I have an opportunity to either keep some really icky bad habits of a desk job, like snacking allllll day on evil unhealthy junk food, or having a really messy desk with an infinite number of inbox emails that pile up unsorted, OR I can clean up my act and be really organized, file everything so I can find it again, have only nutritous snacks around, and write everything down so I won't get overwhelmed- and delete emails as soon as I get them, if they are irrelevant. Where am I getting these things?
From the David Allen book that I got- "Getting Things Done"
Here's the website:
 David Allen Co.

If I never knew his book existed, I would be a serious mess right now, and still jobless. " Mind Like Water" hehe.

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