Friday, August 11, 2006

Starting a new Job

I'm starting a new job in the corporate sector on Monday, and now I have an opportunity to either keep some really icky bad habits of a desk job, like snacking allllll day on evil unhealthy junk food, or having a really messy desk with an infinite number of inbox emails that pile up unsorted, OR I can clean up my act and be really organized, file everything so I can find it again, have only nutritous snacks around, and write everything down so I won't get overwhelmed- and delete emails as soon as I get them, if they are irrelevant. Where am I getting these things?
From the David Allen book that I got- "Getting Things Done"
Here's the website:
 David Allen Co.

If I never knew his book existed, I would be a serious mess right now, and still jobless. " Mind Like Water" hehe.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Sew Sew Sewing Party

I hosted a "Sew Sew Sewing Party" yesterday, and four girls showed up- two with sewing machines, and all with repair projects or new projects to do- I had no idea that the afternoon event would go on for almost eight hours! It was a blast, and I got a chance to warm up into "teacher mode" (getting ready for next semester) and remember to be patient and think *backwards,* because it's REALLY hard to explain something to someone about how to do something when you are thinking too far ahead.
So, here's the inventory of accomplishments:
F. started making her apron, and I showed her how to set up her sewing machine, so she can stop making up stories about how it was yelling at her and biting her, and helped gain control of the little beastie.
N. hemmed some jeans.
A. hemmed some jeans and narrowed the hem of a top that she had.
and Ad. repaired some magenta spandex exercise pants, threaded my serger, and cracked a "V.hard" Sudoku puzzle in TEN minutes! no way!
And I started to hem some corduroy pants that I've been shamefully wearing in public in a half-hemmed state.
I think I will hold another one of these parties, so everybody can hem all of those wool pants that we don't want to look at yet because it's summer.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Simple Feeding Practices- The Steam Pot!

A couple of weeks ago, the local grocery store, "MB," had this crazy sale on live lobsters- $5.99 a pound, so I just couldn't leave the store without one- plus a bag of mussels, and corn and linguica (portuguese sausage) to go with it. And went home to make an indoor clambake:

Indoor Clambake Link

And I got to thinking, this is an easy way to make a whole entire clean, healthy meal without slaving away in the kitchen- put everything in a pot with an inch of water and steam it for 10 minutes or so. This is what I put into todays pot:
1 chorizo sausage (use some sort of meat item)
some baby red potatoes (for starch) cut in half
some carrots cut up in big chunks (veggies)
corn on the cob snapped in halfs (more veggies/starch)
Other veggies that would work:
Green beans
mustard greens
any root vegetables
You cover the pot for about 8 minutes, and poke things with a fork to check how done things are. The corn is ready first, then the rest are ready in about 5 more minutes. The items are easy to take out with tongs.

Everything is cooked, but still bright, tender, and crunchy, and the sausage or meat product flavors the steaming water to make the veggies taste a little better. After you pull them out, you can salt and butter them to your taste.

And I had more than enough food for two people- YUM!