Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Knitting and finishing projects

I don't know where I found the time, but I started to relearn left handed knitting, and wanting to knit every single chance I get! I even finished a project that I abandoned a couple of years ago, and now I'm 1/3 way through a project I'm super excited about. I WILL finish it!

I also signed up to hang out on a social knitting website(!) called Ravelry, and it will help keep track of the yarn I own and the projects that I start. Hope I stick with this long enough to be able to start designing my own projects! I have a tendency to move on to another crafty/designy pursuit after a project is abandoned/finished. Which explains the enormous collection of craftsy craps in my apt. Oops. I guess in some ways, that's what winter is for.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I want to learn how to knit one of these days. Maybe you can be my online coach!