Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Knitting and finishing projects

I don't know where I found the time, but I started to relearn left handed knitting, and wanting to knit every single chance I get! I even finished a project that I abandoned a couple of years ago, and now I'm 1/3 way through a project I'm super excited about. I WILL finish it!

I also signed up to hang out on a social knitting website(!) called Ravelry, and it will help keep track of the yarn I own and the projects that I start. Hope I stick with this long enough to be able to start designing my own projects! I have a tendency to move on to another crafty/designy pursuit after a project is abandoned/finished. Which explains the enormous collection of craftsy craps in my apt. Oops. I guess in some ways, that's what winter is for.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

The Yoga of Money

I just found a really interesting quiz online by a financial guru named Brent Kessel. Take this quiz!!!
There are 8 financial archetypes that he's defined- "The Guardian," "The Pleasure Seeker," "The Idealist," "The Saver," "The Star," "The Innocent," "The Caretaker," "The Empire Builder." it's pretty neat to guess which one you are. If you know me, you might be able to figure out what archetype I am. I just found out about him from a little article called "The Yoga of Money" in the Kripalu Center catalog, which shows the schedule for the yoga retreat in Stockbridge, MA that one day I will visit along the way to Cornell. Too bad his book, "It's Not About the Money" won't be out until April 1st. I'm looking for an outlet to learn about Socially Responsible Investing....