Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Made in LA documentary on PBS

Just broadcast today on WGBH, my local PBS station: a P.O.V. Documentary about really amazing sweatshop workers The film is called "Made in LA" and it chronicles the fight against a really huge fashion retailer called Forever 21( some of you know and love this store!) to pay garment workers who make their product a fair, survivable wage. It's a really great story, and has very touching moments, and gray areas that mix in your head. Most of the garment workers are illegal immigrants, they are taken advantage of by their garment factory- do they deserve a voice in the United States? Yes, they are in need of basic worker rights, and they should get them. There was also a race play going on, with the workers all from South America and Mexico, the laywers and activists were of various Asian descent, and the LA based president of Forever 21 is a Korean. Lastly, the documentary reminds you that in general, fashion oriented clothing is a truly underpriced commodity, and mass fashion retailers like Forever 21 are charging way too little for their clothing. Please see this film on your PBS station.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I remember you "forcing" me to watch a PBS documentary in college.