Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Eating Real Food

With all of the recent news about food manufacturing, I've acquired a recent slight paranoia about industrially processed food and eating food that I pay other people to make for me, like at a restaurant. One of my friends, A. has also informed me that she has stopped buying food products that say "Made in China." I was never conscious of this before, but I realized a lot of my Asian food products have the "Made in China" label.
As a result, I've been hunting for food from farms and looking for local produce. So not only do I visit Union Square Farmer's market, I also finally went to Concord, MA to Verrill Farms. They are just starting to sell tomatoes, and delicate peaches from B.'s hometown of Bolton, MA. And i found another farm, Turkey Hill Farm, in Haverhill, where they have some very good blueberry and raspberry picking! It is run by a Mr. Butt, who is plenty nice, with some New England quirkiness. But since I can't eat just vegetables, I also have to make a run to either Market Basket or Shaw's , and depending on traffic, Whole Foods, to get the other stuff.
On the shopping list-Cherry tomatoes in a bright orange and reddish pink, some Bolton Peaches, Green onions with a nice purple cast at their necks, a head of young red leaf lettuce, and carrots! Wild Blueberries! Golden Rasberries! Zuchinni that comes in green and yellow!


Susan said...

Wow! I am coming to your house for dinner!

hamlette said...

So you no longer eat at restaurants? Food from local farms etc aren't always the healthiest though

Conchens said...

I'm saving all my restaurant eating for when the bf comes home.
I'm actually eating local farm food because it has more flavor, and I can see where it comes from. I also think it's more fun to eat things like multicolored tomatoes! I like finding out where my food came from :)