Friday, December 15, 2006

Is Flatulence Good Or Evil?

That is one of the questions I will be asking my tour audiences when I take them around the ICA. I love this building! The highest floor is a glowing box, and the wood on the inside is a really nice color gray. It is the first time I've seen a place finish wood to look like how it will be when it's outdoors, because the outside wood will weather naturally, and what color will it be? Gray! Those of my friends who need that one more excuse to come to Boston just to visit me, this new museum is another reason to come over, ok? I'll be your personal tour guide, and maybe one day in the nicer weather, we might be able to board a Duck tour and get to the museum!
Or get on the T and use a CharlieCard!
  • Tapping Card T Fare Info

  • When I was in Singapore, we used this system to get around on the bus and the train- it is SO EFFICIENT!!! Instead of feeding a card in a specific direction, which takes time and hand coordination, you just tap your card on the black reader. Simple. Functional. That's why I love Singapore.

    1 comment:

    Susan said...

    The ICA is highlighted in this month's issue of Architectural Record. Very impressive!