Sunday, October 29, 2006

The NEW AF-Competition

So, in 2004 I entered my thesis project into a student fashion competition and became one of the 14 American finalists to go to Paris and show my work on the same runways that they use during Paris fashion week. It was a really cool, yet EXPENSIVE effort to go there.

This year, however, the AF-competition lost it's Air France/ Pffaff sewing machine sponsorship, so it's no longer a competition against students from 15 other countries. Instead it's just a US competition and my professor was actually a judge for the 1st round sketches- pretty cool, huh?
Not nearly as cool as the ASTOUNDINGLY AWESOME internships that were given to the 6 students who became finalists!
Imagine being an American student who won a chance to go to Belgium or Paris to study under the likes of Ann-Valerie-Nash and Veronique Branquinho, etc? These designers aren't well-known in the United States, but they are very innovative and edgy.
Check out the very nice sketches the students submitted for their entries:


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