Sunday, April 06, 2008

It's not about the Money

Finally, the new book by Brent Kessell is out! It's called "It's Not About the Money," and helps define how you deal with money according to one of seven archetypes that you might be-- get this book!

The Footprint Chronicles

Patagonia has created a website that demonstrates how clothing is created, and all of the places in the world where the product is made. I LOVE learning about how products are created, because so many people, strategies, and transportation are involved that can never be explained when you see a piece of clothing hanging in a store or a consumer product on a shelf. And the great thing is that the movies make no excuses for their actions, there is no radical leftist environmental propaganda permeating the little Youtube clips, they're just telling us really great stories, patagonia-style. Every company should have something like this!
Now if only their clothes actually fit me.....